Free Online CV Builder
Make your CV more professional and amazing using hundreds professional templates

Easy to create and customize
Hundreds of free templates and layouts
Professionally designed and formatted
Styles for every industry
With ZimpleApp free resume builder, applying for your dream job is more easy and fast. Only input your data one time then you can freely choose hundreds of free template within a click.
Forget about spending hours formatting your cv resume, or choosing complimentary fonts for your cover letter. Create a cv online with ZimpleApp free cv builder will give you a sleek and attractive cv resume, without the fuss.
Choose from hundreds of free templates, and input your data into them within minutes. With a few simple ui, you can put all your information to suit the job you’re applying for.
Let us help you with good design, so you can focus on promoting your skills and landing your dream job in the big company.

- Contact details
- A personal summary
- Highlighted experience
- Key skills, education and training
- Any additional certifications or qualifications